Monday, September 24, 2007

Voting Rights

Now that it has become obvious that our corporations are running our world, including our elected politicians, the only sane way to vote is with your dollar. Every choice you make matters to those companies, who spend millions upon millions to manipulate you into buying their products. If you do your research you will find out which companies are operating in accordance with your ethics, and there probably aren’t many. Chief among your most important purchases is your food. Processed food is at best alien and at worst poison to the human body. If there’s something in the ingredients list that you cannot pronounce or understand, then you probably don’t want to ingest it into your body. If you are tired of box stores crowding out the view, don’t shop there no matter how much you think you are saving. If you are opposed to the war in Iraq, lower your fuel consumption so that we don’t have to invade oil-producing countries under the guise of democracy and freedom. You do not live in a democracy, you live in a corporatocracy (a corporate run state) where any elected politician you put into power is merely a front man of these same corporations. It is time we woke up and called a spade a spade.
Know where every one of your investment dollars is, because you are financing whatever companies you find in your portfolio. Support your local economy, build local community, and take back your power from these institutions that care nothing about you or your family. Women make the bulk of domestic purchases for our homes. We shop for most of the clothing, food, and household items. We hold the power in our wallets to let these companies know that we are not interested in supporting them, or in supporting what they are doing to the quality of our earth, air, water, government, and economy. Say NO to what you have been giving lip service to for decades. Spend wisely; put thought into every outgoing cent from your purse. Take back your power as a human being. Make your stand: live your beliefs. It is time for you to become the role model you rarely see in the world. Become that empowered woman you have always suspected yourself to be. Throw off that cloak of decency and buck the status quo. You have seen what the status quo brings to your earth and to your loved ones. It is nothing short of insanity to keep on financing it with your money, and more importantly, your energy.
Below is a list of suggestions on where to begin. How far you then take it is up to you.

Buy organically grown food that is produced in harmony with the earth
Buy unbleached post-consumer recycled toilet paper
Shop at locally owned and operated stores whenever feasible
Use earth- friendly cleaning products for your home and body
Conserve resources
Minimize garbage
Educate yourself and others

But most of all, have fun knowing that every choice you make, no matter how seemingly inconsequential, is moving your world back into alignment with who you truly are.

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