Saturday, October 24, 2009

Glitter Girls - On Ice (Update)

Here is an update for all of you Ice Maidens. After your feedback on airport transfers and outdoor hot tubs (mandatory apparently) we've dropped the former and acquired the latter, which means a price drop from $1250 down to $1050 (all CAD of course).

There is more information at:

Or you can sign up HERE

Monday, October 5, 2009

Glitter Girls - On Ice

The Glitter Girls is proud to present their first event in the Canadian Rockies. We are hosting an ice climbing extravaganza the week of February 5th to 12th, 2010. We have found luxury accommodations, in our former hometown of Canmore, Alberta, just 20 minutes from the entrance to Banff National Park and the gateway to some of the best ice climbing in the world. The weekend kicks off with the Canmore Ice Climbing Festival, where you can sign up for clinics by day and choose from a host of festivities each evening. For more details click here. If you plan on signing up for any of the climbing clinics I recommend you do so as soon as possible because they will fill quickly.

Monday to Thursday are your own personal climbing days, where you can go out as a group, in pairs, and have the option of going with a guide. As your logistics coordinator I will make sure that you know where you are going and how you will be getting there. I will also help you find the best guides if that is what you choose to do. There will be organized dinners out on the town, as well as nights where we stay in and cook for ourselves. Each person has the option of creating their tailor-made dream ice climbing vacation, using the Solara condos as our Base Camp.

Cost is $1250 CDN (including tax) and includes one week accomodation, airport transportation (of course you might prefer to rent a car), breakfasts and lunches, and logistical support.

To book your place or for further information email me at